Black Obsidian And Citrine Together

Protection stones like Shungite, Citrine, Green Aventurine, Brown Calcite, Charoite, Peridot, Blue Kyanite, Black Obsidian, Emerald, Fire Agate, Yellow Jasper, Kunzite, Labradorite, and Selenite are well-known as stones that have powerful protective powers that make for great bracelets. I found this website really helpful. I would like to ask, is it OK that I am wearing citrine and black rainbow obsidian ring altogether? Thank you sunnyray says: Hi Surya, Sure you can wear them both. I don't see why not. SURBHI says: Hi Can I wear Hessonite and Citrine together. Will it create any harm to me? Black Onyx will keep you grounded in reality. Adding Quartz crystal, (an energizer and amplifier ) will enhance the effects of all crystals. Together they balance Heart, Mind, and Soul.

I am often asked what crystals work together and what crystals shouldn’t be combined. It's common to hear, 'Never combine this crystal with that crystal'. You can insert crystal names if you'd like. I was just using it as an example. Honestly, I haven’t really come across a situation where crystals didn’t work well together. Sometimes they can cancel each other out but overall, I feel they play nicely together. However there are several things I keep in mind when combining crystals.
I feel crystals usually work well together but be cautious of crystals that might have an opposing effect like Carnelian for energy, versus Blue Lace Agate or other calming stones. Sometimes these energies are cancelled out or don't have the impact you were looking for.
Combining two crystals with a very high vibration or powerful energy, may also cause some concern for various people. For example, combining Moldavite with Phenacite could be overwhelming for some. Common outcomes such as Lepidolite and Lithium Quartz are very calming and contain lithium, however be aware that it might be too much of one thing as well.

What is your intention? What is it you seek to do? Narrow down your intentions such as:
Healing (Green Aventurine), for bones (Calcite) or Citrine for tummy issues.

Follow your intuition for it’s your compass. It truly is. I know everyone says this but it's the truth! Keep it simple and know how the crystals work for you individually before combining. We see these enornmous, complicated crystal grids on social media. They are beautiful for sure but please don't feel intimidated by these. You can accomplish the same goals with smaller, less expensive or fancy crystals. It's not about the bling. It's about your intentions!

For some great crystal combos by intention and specific themes,
check out our selection of Power Pouches (Mojo) Bags.

Color is a good place to start but there is a lot more to working with crystals than the color frequency alone. You can use a color wheel to view opposing colors as a guide. However, sometimes it works out. I use Green Aventurine or Malachite with Red Jasper or other red crystals. They are opposing colors but they work in some circumstances.

I know this may sound boring and all geo-geeky, but bear with me. The crystal structure can help you determine combination of crystals.
Cubic (or isometric) crystal system, based on a square inner structure. - Fluorite, Diamond, Pyrite, Gold, Garnet, Magnetite

Hexagonal Crystals based on a hexagonal (6-sided) inner structure. – Beryl, Emerald, Apatite, Aquamarine, Morganite, Sugilite

Trigonal crystal system (Rhombohedral System) - Based on a triangular inner structure. Quartz, Agate, Aventurine, Jasper, Hematite, Carnelian, Tourmalines, Calcite
Research: crystal structures or what is the structure of

Before you scroll down further, grab this amazing freebie to get crystal organized!

I love combining crystals based on their crystal family. For example, the Quartz family: Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Citrine, Amethyst, etc. Other great ones to combine include Calcite, Agates, Jaspers, Tourmalines, and so on. Jaspers, Agates and Quartz all work great together too!

Working with crystals in terms of the elements is not an area I am overly trained in but it’s something to do further research on. There are many different cultures and philosophy which leads to conflicting information, but for example there is Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit.
Air/wind Stones - Amethyst, Fluorite, Selenite, Labradorite, Sugilite

Fire Stones - Amber, Carnelian, Citrine, Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Red Jasper, Sunstone

Earth Stones - Agate, Jade, Halite, Hematite, Jasper, Jet, Onyx, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Pyrite

Water Stones - Amethyst, Aquamarine, Moonstone, Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Pearl, Sea Salt, Selenite, Rose Quartz, Larimar

Spirit / Naisha Ashian has Storm as an element, so it varies: Apophyllite, Danburite, Diamond, Phenacite (Phenakite), Clear Quartz

General guidelines: mix fire with air, and earth with water. IN contrast, combining (FIRE) Carnelian/Citrine and (WATER) Blue Lace Agate, may not be a great combo.

Naisha Ahsian Crystal Ally Cards is a great resource to learn about crystals and the elements.

Black Obsidian And Citrine Together
  • Energy, creativity, vitality, power, get things done: Citrine and Carnelian
  • Readings: Labradorite, Danburite, Celestite
  • Sleeping: Amethyst, Rose Quartz and sometime Blue Lace Agate
  • Stress/Anxiety: Lithium Quartz, Lepidolite, Rose Quartz
  • Fear/ bad dreams: Smokey Quartz and black tourmaline
  • Focus/concentration: Fluorite and Amethyst
  • Ancient wisdom: Lemurians, Candle Quartz, Tibetan Quartz
  • Hiking: Rainforest Jasper, Aquamarine, Labradorite
  • General manifestation: Citrine or Pyrite, Black Tourmaline or Magnetite, and Quartz
  • Grounding: Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline and Hematite or Lodestone
  • Pain: Malachite and whatever the pain is. For example if my foot hurts I use Black Onyx or Smokey Quartz with the Malachite. If my head hurts I use Amethyst and Malachite or Black Tourmaline and Malachite.
  • Sadness: Yellow Jasper and Fancy Jasper
  • Love: Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine or Pink Tourmaline with Green Tourmaline
  • Cold: Moss Agate for immune system and Blue Lace Agate for throat and sometimes Carnelian for vitality
  • Hormones out of whack : different colored moonstones
  • Skin: Rose Quartz and Green Aventurine
  • Meditation: various combos of Danburite, Auralite, Lapis Lazuli, Celestite, Lemurians, Phenacite, Selenite, Apophyllite, Herkimer Diamonds, Labradorite, Clear Quartz

Hands up on who loves crystals? If you’re reading this article, you’re probably swinging your hand in the air right now or, at the very least, you’ve developed a curiosity towards them and want to know more.

Crystals are extraordinary little things that have an ability to help us in almost every area of our lives when we manage to tap into their power. The object of the crystal is to work with you to help you achieve your aims, whether it is related to work, love, relationships, health and many more.

But what happens when you pair a crystal with another crystal? The power of crystals is doubled!

Being strategic about the crystals you want to pair is something that comes more easily once you are familiar with different crystals and their meanings (or you might be one of those gifted intuitive types who simply knows which ones to pair up.) Crystals do an amazing job on their own, but these little fellows are extra happy when they’ve got another shiny gem to work with because it means their own powers are enhanced and they get a friend to spend time with.

This article will focus on seven crystals in particular and their perfect match. Think of finding your soulmate – it’s a bit like that for these crystals. Read on to find out more!

1. Rose Quartz & Angelite

These two crystals are amazing together, and particularly good when dealing with love and relationships. Rose Quartz is the ultimate crystal for relationships. It also promotes self-love and self-acceptance. It dissolves negative energy and helps us to be more understanding and empathetic with ourselves and our loved ones.

Angelite is the “angel” crystal. It has a gentle, soothing energy and helps us tap into the best version of ourselves. When these two are paired together, negativity finds it a lot harder to affect us. We become more open and understanding. These two together also have a wonderful way of dissolving anger.


2. Moonstone & Selenite

You can probably guess why these two make such a perfect pair!

They are both lunar crystals, belonging to the gentle and mysterious Moon. Moonstone as the name suggests has a powerful, feminine, Yin energy. It enables us to tap into our feminine side, which is especially helpful if we are dealing with someone who has too much masculine energy or a situation which is dominated by masculinity.

Selenite is a crystal that instills a sense of peace, making it perfect for meditation work and heightening your spiritual awareness.

As a pair, these two help you tap into your intuition (Moonstone) and help you view things with greater clarity (Selenite). They are especially potent under the Full and New Moons.

Read up on:How to Use Moonstone in Moon Rituals

3. Citrine & Smoky Quartz


These two as a combination are particularly good if you want to take care of your mental and physical health.

Citrine encourages self-expression and motivation. It also releases depression and negative thoughts, helping to balance your emotions. Smoky Quartz is a crystal that is known for releasing all kinds of blockages – emotional, spiritual, mental and physical.

Smoky Quartz is a grounding stone and has a powerful ability to help you see things with greater clarity, unclouded by negative thought of debilitating emotions.

When they are paired together, strength and inner peace are more easily acquired. It becomes easier not to be overwhelmed by the negative with the Quartz crystal, while the Citrine crystal brings positive feelings and a sense of hope and optimism. It is particularly good to wear both of them if you are having a bad day!

4. Amethyst & Fluorite

A lot of crystals work well with Amethyst as it is known as the “Jack of all trades” crystal, capable of doing pretty much anything! But this article will focus on its relationship with Fluorite as together they increase focus and concentration.

Black Obsidian And Citrine Together Crossword Clue

If you’ve got a big presentation coming up, or a test, or a project that demands your undivided attention, wear these two to help you get through it!

Amethyst is a powerful protection stone, helping to ward off negative energies or doubtful thoughts, while Fluorite is an excellent crystal for self-confidence and concentration. Together, they are able to create a protective bubble around you so that you can focus on what is necessary without interruption.

Check out:Feeling Stressed? Cool Down with Amethyst

5. Black Jade & Black Obsidian

If it’s protection you’re after, look no further than these two!

Black crystals are usually protective, and these two together are very protective of you. Black Jade protects you wherever you go, and also from psychic attack. It helps to calm fears and repel negative energy.

Black Obsidian is strongly connected to the Root chakra and likewise has strong protective qualities. It also has the ability to help you deal with grief and sadness.

As a combined force, these two are potent. If you are struggling with doubt, fear or uncertainty, wear these two to bring you strength, courage and protection.

6. Merlinite & Shamanic Dream Quartz

These are two extremely powerful crystals if you want to enhance your psychic ability and strengthen your intuition.

Merlinite, as the name suggests, is closely linked to the sorcerer, Merlin, which highlights its magical abilities. Merlinite helps to open your Third Eye and assists with meditation through the spiritual realm.

Shamanic Dream Quartz is a favorite among shamans, as the name suggests, and is also fantastic for assisting with psychic dreams, connecting to your power animal and strengthening your intuition. Running man episode park shin hye dan lee sung kyung. Can i use microsoft office on a chromebook.

As a pair, they are truly a force to be reckoned with – especially if you sleep with them under your pillow.

7. Celestite & Lepidolite

If you’re looking to relax and unwind, then these two are the perfect pair!

Celestite is a high-vibration stone that helps to rid you of chatty or chaotic thoughts. Struggles with sleep can be put down to an over-active mind, and Celestite helps to clear away the mental clutter, paving the way for peace and silence in the mind. It is an extremely soothing crystal.

Lepidolite helps you find peace in times of stress, calm and over-active mind and helps to rid you of troubling thoughts that may be going round in your mind.

Black Obsidian And Citrine Together Youtube

Combining these two can make for a peaceful sleep and soothing moments of relaxation – especially when you put them under your pillow before bed!

Read up on:The Powers of the Lepidolite Crystal

Experiment with Your Crystals!

There are many crystal pairings out there, but these seven are some of the most helpful and powerful pairings you can have. Try them out and experience the potent magic of paired crystals for yourself.

Related article:The Ultimate Guide to Crystal Healing

What Chakra Is Black Obsidian

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