Web Scraping Flipkart Python

  1. Web scraping is becoming increasingly useful as a means to gather and make sense of the wealth of information available online.This book is the ultimate guide to using the latest features of Python 3.x to scrape data from websites. In the early chapters, you'll see how to extract data from static web pages.
  2. 1) Go to Web page - to open the targeted web page 2) Create a pagination loop - to scrape all the results from multiple pages 3) Create a 'Loop Item' - to loop click into each item on each list 4) Extract data - to select the data for extraction.
  3. 1) Go to Web page - to open the targeted web page 2) Create a pagination loop - to scrape all the results from multiple pages 3) Create a 'Loop Item' - to loop click into each item on each list 4) Extract data - to select the data for extraction.

Python3 scrapeFlipkart.py You will see the whole HTML page. Now, let's use CSS selectors to get to the data we want. To do that let's go back to Chrome and open the inspect tool. Cyberghost exe cyberghost. In general, web scraping action is legal. When you are web scraping publicly accessible factual data, it is legal. But you should always read and follow your target.

Web Scraping Flipkart Python

Hello Guys.! This is an amazing tutorial, Trust me you loved it. What we do in this tutorial is data collection using python web scraping and store the data in JSON and CSV files. don’t you think is it amazing.?

What do you need

  • Basics of Python
  • Basics of Python Web scraping

That’s enough guys, even if you don’t know check my best articles on Web scraping using python here

Web Scraping Flipkart Python

Web Scraping Using Python Flipkart

Web scraping flipkart python code

Ok, Guys.! In this tutorial, we are targeting Flipkart. I am going to scrape mobile info data and save them into CSV and JSON files.

Web Scraping Flipkart Python Tutorial

Fortunately, we have all class attributes in This HTML page for the price, mobile name, ratings, and reviews. so that we can easily grab those data from that source page.

I am giving my entire code for this Data collection using Python web scraping tutorial. You can copy and paste it on your python file and run on your cmd or terminal. It will create 2 files, one is JSON and another one is CSV.

Note: Please make sure your Internet connection.

To run this code, you need requests, BeautifulSoup and Pandas libraries which are used for scraping the data from websites, here from Flipkart. Pandas is used for creating CSV files.


JSON was already installed in your system when you install Python in your system, JSON used for to get the data in JSON format.

If you don’t have installed these libraries use these below commands on your cmd or Terminal.

Bricsys cad



After scraping the data we need to store the data for selling if you are lead generator or freelancer and for model building if you are a Data analyst or a Data scientist or Machine learning engineer.

In the above code i used two formats for data storing one is CSV and another one is JSON. If you are a web developer , you love JSON, I know that.

Web Scraping Flipkart Python Interview

In this way, you can store your web scraped data in python, so that it would helpful for future thoughts.

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Web Scraping Flipkart Python Code

Thank you.!😉

Flipkart Reviews Web Scraping Python

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