Raspberry Pi Citrix Workspace

  • Citrix and Teams Optimization on Raspberry Pi Thin Clients We have the Citrix/Teams optimization working smoothly from our Windows devices, but even after following the vendor's instructions for A/V offloading to our Pi thin clients, we're not getting any optimization.
  • Sean Donahue, Citrix man on the street here and recently I was joined at the nComputing booth by my friend Rich who told me about the nComputing offering for.

Support for Citrix Ready workspace hub: Built on the Raspberry Pi 3 platform, the Citrix Ready workspace hub provides a secure connection to authorized apps and data. Citrix Workspace app for Android supports user authentication to Citrix Ready workspace hubs as an experimental feature.

The new Citrix Workspace app (formerly known as Citrix Receiver) provides a great user experience - a secure, contextual, and unified workspace - on any device. It gives you instant access to all your SaaS and web apps, your mobile and virtual apps, files, and desktops from an easy-to-use, all-in-one interface powered by Citrix Workspace services.
Using your mobile and virtualized applications, files and desktops is faster and easier than ever. Just ask your IT department how to get started.
• Work on your favorite device from wherever you are
• Access email or other corporate applications
• Access your files, apps, desktop from your phone, tablet, or all in one from a unified view
• Provide single sign on capabilities with Citrix SecureHub and Citrix Files.
Location and Sensor Virtual Channel:
This virtual channel allows Workspace to redirect sensor information to applications running on server. For example, applications can use accelerometer data to drive 3D-modelling application, use ambient light level to control the brightness of the screen, use location data to alter behavior of application, and so on.
Support for Citrix Ready workspace hub:
Built on the Raspberry Pi 3 platform, the Citrix Ready workspace hub provides a secure connection to authorized apps and data. Citrix Workspace app for Android supports user authentication to Citrix Ready workspace hubs as an experimental feature. This allows authenticated users to cast their sessions to a hub. The feature is disabled by default.
Note: Location permission is required for the Citrix Ready workspace hub experimental feature. You can deny this permission if there are no workspace hubs present.

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Raspberry Pi Citrix Workspace Free

This is a step-by-step how to on creating a Raspberry Pi 4 dual screen thin client. The Pi will be set up in a Kiosk mode, only able to access Citrix Reciever.

Raspberry Pi Citrix Workspace

7 Steps total

Step 1: Install Raspbian

Download the latest version of Raspbian Lite (Currently Buster):

Follow the install guide for your distribution: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md

Raspberry Pi Citrix Workspace

Step 2: Change Passwords

Change the password for the pi and root user.

sudo passwd pi
sudo passwd root

Step 3: Set Auto Login or Wifi

use raspi-config to set pi as the auto login CLI user, and set up wifi as needed.


Raspberry Pi Citrix Workspace

Step 4: Install Window Manager

Citrix Workspace For Raspberry Pi

This will install a lightweight window manager, allowing GUI programs to be run. We'll also install a browser to connect to the Citrix Storefront, as well as some Citrix dependencies.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xorg
sudo apt-get install matchbox-window-manager
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0
sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37

Step 5: Set up Window Manager

Start the graphical interface on login by modifying the .profile file:
sudo nano .profile

Add the line to the bottom of this file:


Exit and save the file.

Create and edit the file .xinitrc:
sudo nano .xinitrc

Walk behind forklift training. Enter the following text into this file:
xset s off
xset -dmps
xset s noblank
matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no &

Close and save the file, then restart your device.

Step 6: Download and Install Citrix

When you restart your device a chromium window should launch when the pi user logs in. Download the latest Debian version of Citrix Workspace from https://www.citrix.com/downloads/workspace-app/linux/workspace-app-for-linux-latest.html.

Download the ARM HF versions of Full Packages (Self-service Support) and USB Support Packages.

Go to another workspace by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F2 (You can return to the browser by going to the first workspace Ctrl+Alt+F1) and log in as the root user.


Erased manga box set. Install the packages:
sudo dpkg -i /home/pi/Downloads/icaclient*
sudo dpkg -i /home/pi/Downloads/ctxusb*

If this returns an error, install the missing dependencies, then install the above again:
sudo apt-get install --fix-missing

Raspberry Pi Citrix Workspace Free

Step 7: Finalize Setup

Modify the .xinitrc file:
sudo nano /home/pi/.xinitrc

If you wish to have the pi running in a Kiosk mode, modify the .xinitrc file to:
xset s off
xset -dmps
xset s noblank
matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no &
chromium-browser --kiosk

If you wish to allow your users to be able to view other websites outside of Citrix, and reboot the device modify to:
xset s off
xset -dmps
xset s noblank
matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no &
sudo reboot -f

Close and save the file, then restart your device.


  • Pimiento
    spicehead-wkzqm Jan 22, 2021 at 11:19am

    So I have pretty much a straight up buster install and the latest Citrix components. But when i try to go dual monitor, workspace just snaps to one screen. Anyone have any ideas? The displays are nothing special 1280 x 1024.

  • Serrano
    Atypical_IT_Guy Jan 22, 2021 at 02:25pm

    Are you using the Matchbox window manager?

    If not:
    In other linux variants I tried with a full desktop, I had to put workspace into windowed mode, then move it so the window is within both screens. Maximizing it again usually allows it to take up both screens.

    Usually after doing this once, it will continue to do this

  • Serrano
    Atypical_IT_Guy Jan 22, 2021 at 02:30pm

    In older versions of Citrix, I had to modify the wfica file, but I'm not sure how relevant this is in Workspace: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX209485