Proxy Http Apache

For client computers on your network to receive updates from Apache HTTP Proxy, their update settings must be edited. It is recommended to install Apache HTTP Proxy when more than 37 workstations are managed on your network by ESET PROTECT. Currently, setting up Apache HTTP Proxy is the primary method for caching detection engine update files.

Apache http proxy server˄˅
  • Modproxy is a proxy/gateway for the Apache server. It allows you to direct Apache requests to other sites and/or ports within the web server. It can also support load balancing algorithms as well. This guide assumes you already have Apache 2.2 installed from source to build the modules.
  • The Apache Traffic Server is a general purpose proxy, configurable as both a reverse and forward proxy. A forward proxy can be used as a central tool in your infrastructure to access the web and it may be combined with a cache to lower your overall bandwidth usage.
  • Apache HTTPD typically comes with the modproxy modules already included. This is the case on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the HTTPD that comes with JBoss Enterprise Web Server, and the Apache HTTPD that comes with Microsoft Windows.

Apache HTTP Proxy is a proxy service that can be used to distribute updates to client computers. Apache HTTP Proxy performs a similar role to the mirror server feature popular in ERA 5 and earlier.

To install Apache HTTP Proxy, read the instructions for Windows, Linux, or Virtual Appliance.

Apache HTTP Proxy functions


Proxy solution that provides this function

Caching of downloads and updates

Apache HTTP Proxy or other proxy solution

Caching of ESET Dynamic Threat Defense results

Only configured Apache HTTP Proxy

Replication ESET Management Agents' communication with ESET PROTECT Server Effects and presets in after effects.

Apache HTTP Proxy or other proxy solution

Caching function

Apache HTTP Proxy downloads and caches:

ESET module updates

Proxy http apache eset

Installation packages from repository servers

Product component updates

Cached data is distributed to endpoint clients on your network. Caching can significantly decrease internet traffic on your network.

In contrast to the Mirror Tool, which downloads all available data on the ESET update servers, Apache HTTP Proxy reduces the network load by only downloading the data requested by ESET PROTECT components or ESET endpoint products. If an endpoint client requests an update, Apache HTTP Proxy downloads it from the ESET update servers, saves the update to its cache directory and then serves it to the individual endpoint client. If another endpoint client requests the same update, Apache HTTP Proxy serves the download to the client directly from its cache, so there is no additional download from ESET update servers.

Caching for ESET Endpoint product

Caching settings of ESET Management Agent and Endpoint are not identical. ESET Management Agent can manage settings for ESET security products at client devices. You can set up proxy for ESET Endpoint Security:

locally from GUI

from ESET PROTECT Web Console, using a policy (the recommended way to manage client devices settings).

Caching results from ESET Dynamic Threat Defense

Apache HTTP Proxy can also cache results provided by ESET Dynamic Threat Defense. Caching requires specific configuration which is included in the Apache HTTP Proxy distributed by ESET. It is recommended to use caching with ESET Dynamic Threat Defense if possible. See the service's documentation for more details.

Using Apache as HTTP Proxy for Agent - Server communication

When correctly configured, Apache HTTP Proxy can be used to collect and forward data from ESET PROTECT components in a remote location - similarly to the function of ERA 6.x Proxy component. One proxy solution can be used for caching updates (Apache HTTP Proxy is recommended) and another proxy for Agent - Server communication. It is possible to use Apache HTTP Proxy for both functions at the same time, but it is not recommended for networks with more than 10,000 client machines per proxy machine. In enterprise environments (more than 1,000 managed computers), we recommend that you use a dedicated Apache HTTP Proxy server.

ERA 6.x Proxy component is not compatible with the ESET Management Agents. Read more about the Proxy function.


How to set up the HTTP Proxy

To use the proxy, HTTP Proxy hostname must be set up in the Agent policy (Advanced settings > HTTP Proxy). You can use different proxies for caching and forwarding; see the policy settings below:

Global Proxy - you will use a single proxy solution for both caching downloads and for forwarding Agent communication.

Different Proxy Per Service -you will use separate proxy solutions for caching and for forwarding communication.


Apache HTTP Proxy in the infrastructure

The following diagram illustrates a proxy server (Apache HTTP Proxy) that is being used to distribute ESET cloud traffic to all ESET PROTECT components and ESET endpoint products.



You can use a proxy chain to add another proxy service to a remote location. Note that ESET PROTECT does not support proxy chaining when the proxies require authentication. You can use your own transparent web proxy solution, however that may require additional configuration beyond what is mentioned here.

Proxy Http Apache Free


For offline detection engine updates, use the Mirror Tool (available for Windows and Linux) instead of Apache HTTP Proxy.

In addition to being a 'basic' web server, and providing static and dynamic content to end-users, Apache httpd (as well as most other web servers) can also act as a reverse proxy server, also-known-as a 'gateway' server.

In such scenarios, httpd itself does not generate or host the data, but rather the content is obtained by one or several backend servers, which normally have no direct connection to the external network. As httpd receives a request from a client, the request itself is proxied to one of these backend servers, which then handles the request, generates the content and then sends this content back to httpd, which then generates the actual HTTP response back to the client.

There are numerous reasons for such an implementation, but generally the typical rationales are due to security, high-availability, load-balancing and centralized authentication/authorization. It is critical in these implementations that the layout, design and architecture of the backend infrastructure (those servers which actually handle the requests) are insulated and protected from the outside; as far as the client is concerned, the reverse proxy server is the sole source of all content.

Apache Proxypreservehost

A typical implementation is below: